
How to enter affiliate admin panel

First of all, you need to open your bot. If you are using another bot:

  1. Send /start command.

  2. Tap on 💰 Affiliate button.

Once you are in your bot, either tap on 💰 Affiliate button again, or send /affiliate command.

Basic information

Once you enter affiliate admin panel, you will see username of your bot, your manager contact info, basic statistics and the following buttons:

  1. Statistics - available after 30 days.

  2. Wallet - shows the wallet you attached.

  3. Payout History - detailed info about each payout you received.

  4. 🔗 Invite button - tap on this button and choose groups and users to share the bot with.

  5. 📚 Affiliate Guideline - link to thid documentation.

Last updated