🤖Telegram Bot Creation - Step-by-Step Guide

Affiliates Agreement & Requirements

By using our affiliate program, you agree with Affiliates Agreement.


The only requirements for affiliate bots are:

  • Don't add NSFW content to username, name or bot picture. Even though it is up to you, we don't recommend to do that to avoid bans. If your bot is banned, you will still get all the income from your users and we will help you migrate to another bot. But it's better to not lose it in the first place, right?

  • Put the following link to bots description: astridai.co/online. This is also optional, but this link is super useful if your bot gets banned. Users will tap on this link and will be redirected to another online bot within the ecosystem. Don't worry, all your earnings and userbase are safe and you will keep getting the same % even if your users migrate to another bot. See detailed info here.

  • Do not use our name to promote scam and anything else unrelated to this telegram bot. If you violate this requirement, all the funds you earned will be sent to your wallet and your account will be terminated forever. Read Affiliates Agreement to know more.

Optional. How to get your bot's API TOKEN?

You can skip this step if you know how to create telegram bots. Make sure that the bot you create meets our requirements listed above. The bot should not be used by any other service when you add it, otherwise, we will not be able to support it.

Step 1. Open @botfather.

Follow this link or open telegram and search for @botfather.

Botfather is the telegram bot which creates telegram bots

Step 2. Send /newbot command.

Once you open and launched botfather with start command, you need to send /newbot command to it. You will be asked to provide name of the new bot.

Important: this is not a username.

Step 3. Follow the instructions.

Once you entered bot's name, you will be asked to provide the username. It can by anything you like, but should end with "bot", for example "astridaibot" or "astridai_bot".

If your username doesn't end with "bot", or if the username is already taken, botfather will ask you to provide another name.

Last Step - Receiving API TOKEN

Once you choose the correct name and username, botfather will send you greetings message and will include the API TOKEN you need. It will be something like this: 702362363264:AAFZlEWgj5Y_Thch-E1cKwegweEmUuU

Tap on this token and it will be saved to your clipboard automatically. In the next step, you will need to send it to one of our bots.

First, send /newbot command and then send the name of your future bot
Then, send username that ends with "bot". The response will include the token you need.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Open Affiliate Page

Go to any of the bots we have, for example @astridaibot, and launch it with /start command.

If you didn't accept Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, please read and accept it.

After that, you will see main page. Send /affiliate command to start the journey. You will see the message as shown below. Click Next ▶️

This is what you will see after sending /affiliate command

2. Sign Up

After clicking Next ▶️ button from the message above, you will see short description of what we can offer. Detailed information is listed here.

Press Join 🏆 button to continue.

Press Join 🏆 button to continue.

3. Create your own bot

After you press Join 🏆 button from the message above, you will be asked to provide telegram bot token created via @botfather. You should have your API TOKEN with you. Now send this token to this bot.

After you send the token, bot will instantly launch your bot and send you the link


Now press Open 🔗 button to move to your own bot. You will see exactly the same bot, but now the 💰 Affiliate button you have, or when you send /affiliate command, you will see your Affiliate Admin Panel, which looks like this:

You can now start inviting new users through the bot, either by sharing your bot's link, or by simply clicking on 🔗 Invite button.


The minimal payout as of May 2024 is $30. To receive your payouts, you need to connect USDT TRC20 wallet. Follow this guide to set it up.

Last updated