Advanced Face Enhance

When it comes to Face Enhance, there are a few points worth to be mentioned.


Although Face Enhance allows to improve the quality of the face swap as well as the original video, it may decrease the realism level because of the artificats that AI can leave. You need to consider it while using Face Enhance.

Available Models


The Default model is a reliable and robust face enhancement tool designed to offer a balanced approach to image enhancement. It provides good quality enhancements that improve upon basic models without the intensive computational requirements of more advanced versions.

Key Features

  • General Enhancements: Improves general facial features, smoothing out imperfections and enhancing clarity without overly altering the original image characteristics.

  • Moderate Restoration: Effectively addresses common image issues such as mild blurring and artifacts, making it versatile for general use.

  • Efficiency: Offers a good balance between enhancement quality and computational efficiency, making it suitable for applications where speed is a factor.


The Advanced model is particularly effective in restoring facial details with a high degree of accuracy.

Key Features:

  • Enhanced Detail Recovery: Capable of reconstructing fine facial details more accurately, making it ideal for professional-grade photo restoration and enhancement.

  • Complex Restoration Tasks: Excels in handling severe quality issues, such as blurring, fading, and artifacts due to compression, better than earlier models.

  • High Fidelity Outputs: Produces outputs that are closer to the original appearance of the subject, with improvements in texture and edge definition.


The Fidelity model is optimized for high-fidelity restorations where maintaining the authenticity of the original photo is crucial.

Key Features:

  • High-Resolution Enhancements: Specializes in enhancing high-resolution images where maintaining texture and detail integrity is essential.

  • Subtle Restoration: More conservative in altering the overall look of the original image, focusing on enhancing without changing inherent facial features.

  • Detail Preservation: Excellently preserves original textures and details, making it ideal for important archival work, art restoration, and other sensitive restoration tasks.

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