Basic Information

This page describes basic information about pricing within Astrid AI bot and all affiliated bots

Each time you edit photo or video, you spend credits 💎

Depending on the type of content you create, you will spend (as of May 2024, subject to change):

Type of ContentPrice

1 second of a video (face-swap)

1 credit


5 credits

Face Enhance


Lip Sync (Speech Swap)

~ 50% of the face-swap price

~ 1.5x of the face-swap price

~ 100% of the face-swap price

up to 1500 credits (one-time)

For example, you buy 200 credits for $9.7. You can create 40 photos or 3-4 minute videos for it. By the way, subscription will save you a lot of money on credits. Full pricing is available here.


It is important to note, that Astrid AI is not just @astridaibot, but any bot created by our affiliates. If any of the bots you are using stops working, either because the owner of the bot deleted it or telegram blocked it, your access and all the purchases you made will not be lost.

In such cases, you can access any of the other bots we have by following this link or by visitting our website,

After you launch another bot, all your progress and data will be available again.

Last updated