Astrid AI provides transparent information about your userbase.
By default, once you open affiliate panel with /affiliate command in your bot, you will see basic info about your sales, such as:
Total Users: the number of users you invited during the whole time.
Earned (all time): the number of credits you earned and it's USDT exchange rate.
Withdrawn: the number of credits that you already received to your wallet and it's USDT exchange rate.
Besides that, you also have daily info about how many users joined your bot today as well as your daily income.
📊 Statistics Tab
Statistics tab is only available after bot gets enough data about your sales. We need at least one month to start providing detailed statistics.
Once you have access to statistics tab, you will see the following data about daily, monthly and total sales:
Revenue: the number of credits you earned and it's USDT exchange rate.
New Users: the number of users you invited during this time.
ARPU: average USDT revenue per each user, including free and paid ones.
ARPPU: average USDT revenue per paid user.
Churn Rate: percentage of users who left the bot. Important: users left your bot, not the entire ecosystem.
Convertion Rate: percentage of users converted from free users to paid ones.
Last updated