Acceptable Use Policy

Introduction to Astrid AI’s Acceptable Use Policy

Astrid AI's Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) outlines the standards and conditions under which users can access and use our services. This policy ensures that all interactions within the platform are safe, legal, and respectful of other users, as well as compliant with applicable laws. By using Astrid AI, users agree to adhere to this policy, helping maintain a secure and positive environment for all.

Key Elements of the Acceptable Use Policy

Right to Use:

Users are granted the privilege to use Astrid AI services subject to terms and conditions set at our discretion. We reserve the right to adjust, pause, or terminate any aspect of the service or its features as necessary without prior notice. This includes modifying or removing service features, databases, bots, or content.

Service for Adults Only:

The service is strictly for users who are at least 18 years old or have reached the age of majority in their jurisdiction, whichever is greater. Astrid AI enforces this rule stringently and reserves the right to suspend or terminate accounts believed to be accessed by minors.

Zero Tolerance for Child Exploitation and Prohibited Content:

Astrid AI maintains a strict zero-tolerance policy towards child pornography and sexual exploitation of minors. Any related activities will lead to immediate reporting to law enforcement and account termination.

The creation, distribution, or promotion of pornographic content is also strictly prohibited. Violations will result in swift actions, including account termination and potential legal consequences.

Prohibition of Politically Oriented Content:

Users are prohibited from using Astrid AI technology to create, distribute, or promote politically oriented content. Such content, if discovered, will be immediately removed, and the user's account may be terminated.

Verification and Compliance:

Users must ensure that all content involving individuals is created with the consent of individuals who are legally adults. Astrid AI actively enforces this policy and will take action against non-compliant content.

User Responsibilities and Content Integrity:

Users are solely responsible for the content they create, upload, or stream using our services. It is essential to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the data accessed through Astrid AI.

Users must not submit mature content to Astrid AI or its bots, aligning with our general policy of maintaining an ethically compliant platform.

Reporting and Enforcement:

Users are encouraged to report any content or activities suspected of violating our policies through the provided support links. Astrid AI is committed to investigating all reports thoroughly and taking necessary actions based on our findings.

Cooperation with Law Enforcement:

Astrid AI cooperates fully with law enforcement agencies in investigations related to pornography, exploitation, or illegal activities concerning minors.

Respectful Interaction:

Users must avoid behavior that can be perceived as harassment, offensive, or violating local laws. This includes refraining from sharing slanderous, racist, obscene, or objectionable content.

Prohibited Content and Activities:

  • Do not engage in activities that breach intellectual property, privacy, or other rights.

  • Avoid posting fraudulent, illegal, or deceptive content.

  • Refrain from unsolicited commercial messages, chain letters, or spam.

Consequences of Violating the Acceptable Use Policy

Violations of the Acceptable Use Policy can lead to enforcement actions including, but not limited to, suspension or termination of the user account. Astrid AI reserves the right to restrict any activities deemed unsuitable or detrimental to the service or its users, with or without prior notice.


By engaging with Astrid AI, users acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy. Adhering to this policy is crucial for maintaining the integrity and security of our platform and ensuring a positive user experience for everyone involved.

Last updated